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Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Mäurer

Chief Physician of the Clinic for Neurology and Neurological Early Rehabilitation, Klinikum Würzburg-Mitte, Juliusspital location

News from MS-DocBlog

The Multiple Sclerosis Doctor Explains:

No one can report on Multiple Sclerosis as expertly and comprehensively as someone who deals with it professionally every day. On, Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Mäurer, as an MS expert and physician, shares insights from his medical practice and experiences with his patients. The Multiple Sclerosis doctor is a member of the Medical Advisory Board of AMSEL (Action Multiple Sclerosis Patients, State Association of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society in Baden-Württemberg) e.V. and, as a neurologist, is familiar with the issues that are relevant to MS sufferers.

Multiple Sclerosis: Medicine, Research, and Therapy aims to reach many people and provide comprehensive information from an expert’s perspective. The scope of the blog and experienced chief physician Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Mäurer is extensive: MS definition, causes, progression, diagnosis, symptoms, therapy, research, medicine, and daily life are the topics that the expert addresses in his posts. He regularly discusses current developments and reports from MS conferences and meetings.

Answering Questions and Reducing Uncertainty

The neurologist is frequently confronted with questions by patients that are also relevant to other MS sufferers. Through the blog, he can reach many people and share important information. This helps to eliminate doubts and uncertainties that can arise when surfing through the numerous sources on the Internet.

Reliable Information Expertly Weighted

Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Mäurer provides orientation within the abundance of digitally offered information on for those affected by MS, points out misinformation, and presents interpretable facts about Multiple Sclerosis in a comprehensible context.
Whether it’s Multiple Sclerosis or even incorrect spellings: Muliple Sklerose, Multiplen Sklerose, Multiples Sklerose, or simply MS – here on the MS-DocBlog or on you will be informed about the disease MS.

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