The COVID-19 Vaccination is Beneficial for MS Patients!

One can’t really complain that there is currently a lack of information about SARS-CoV2 and COVID 19 – in fact, one can learn so much about these topics on various information channels that I sometimes wonder whether it makes sense to write anything additional on this subject in the blog. That’s why I am always amazed at how many rumors and misinformation persist in the public sphere – and this almost forces a reaction. So, I am often approached by patients who ask me my opinion on the COVID 19 vaccination for MS, because “the vaccine would not be approved for autoimmune diseases.” Excuse me – I think to myself – we have been informing for years that a vaccination – no matter against what – is always better for patients with autoimmune diseases than to risk going through the real disease. And this basic insight also applies, of course, to the respiratory disease COVID 19. So, to make it clear once again: Yes, the COVID 19 vaccination is useful for patients with autoimmune diseases and therefore also recommended for patients with Multiple Sclerosis!

mRNA vaccines are inactivated vaccines

The new mRNA vaccines and also the soon available vaccine from AstraZeneca are vaccines that cannot reproduce in the body of the vaccinated person – these are so-called “inactivated vaccines”. The use of “inactivated vaccines” is unproblematic and safe in autoimmune diseases, even when treatment with an immunotherapy is underway. It should be remembered once again that there is no evidence that MS is triggered by vaccinations, or that relapses are caused by vaccinations. The principle that “inactivated vaccines” should be administered about 2 – 4 weeks before the start of an immunotherapy applies. But also patients who are already treated with an immunotherapeutic can be vaccinated with “inactivated vaccines”. Here it needs to be clarified that the response to a vaccination may be reduced due to the intake of the immunotherapy. Giving an inactivated vaccine to a treated MS patient is not dangerous – caution is only required with live vaccines.

Fortunately, however, I find that most MS patients are very open to a COVID 19 vaccination. The majority are rather disappointed that there is currently no prioritization for patients with autoimmune diseases. Now, it is generally the case – this has also been discussed in the blog more often – that MS does not increase susceptibility to COVID 19. Likewise, MS, whether with or without therapy, does not increase the risk of a more severe course of disease – the same risk factors apply as in the general population. Therefore, in the first instance, elderly people (with corresponding pre-existing conditions) and medical staff have been prioritized. Even though I can understand that many MS patients are disappointed that they still have to wait, the current approach makes sense – because the elderly die disproportionately often and need to be protected. I am also sure that in the not too distant future, enough vaccine will be available for all those willing to be vaccinated.

Until then, one should take comfort in the fact that every vaccinated individual brings us closer to the goal of herd immunity and thus the end of the pandemic. Even if one is not vaccinated oneself, a vaccinated fellow human being represents fundamental progress. In this sense, I would like to motivate those persons with MS who are still fearful and hesitant to get vaccinated – the vaccination is also useful and important for MS and the general public. And I would like to reassure those who are sad that they still have to wait despite a chronic illness – they too will soon have their turn. Use the remaining time to pass on your conviction about vaccination to other affected people.

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