Sport and MS

I have a number of MS patients for whom I am convinced that their lack of physical and mental capacity is largely due to lack of fitness and secondary diseases based on this.In fact, we move far too little in the Federal Republic. According to current statistics, it is assumed that about a quarter of all Germans do not engage in any additional physical activity. It is known for MS patients that they move even less compared to the average population. For this reason, the rate of obesity, osteoporosis, and chronic pain is likely to be higher among those affected by MS than in the normal population – and often it is such secondary diseases that then have a significant influence on the disability and quality of life of MS patients.

I am of the opinion that sport and exercise with the aim of achieving and maintaining as high a level of physical fitness as possible is a basic requirement for coping reasonably well with the disease. As a rule, MS patients benefit from extensive sporting activities. It has now become known that sport has no negative effects on the disease and its symptoms. On the contrary, many symptoms that MS patients can have are rather alleviated by regular physical activity. Moreover, it also seems clear that sport does not have negative immunological effects – at least the relapse rate did not significantly differ between athletes and non-athletes with MS.

So there is no reason for MS patients to miss out on the all-round positive aspects of sport and exercise. Sometimes the joy of physical activity can be slowed down by a Uthoff phenomenon, but this is – as already explained – not dangerous, is temporary and also improves with increasing training status. It is interesting that sport is also attributed certain immunomodulatory aspects – but I think the first goal of sport should be to improve physical fitness and thus individual performance.

The question then arises: What is the suitable sport for MS patients? This question cannot really be answered – unless one says it is the sport that is fun and perceived as pleasant. If someone has no disease-related restrictions, he can do whatever he wants and what he enjoys. If disabilities are present, one should choose sports in which these disabilities are compensated. Example: Aquajogging with spastic leg paresis or training on the ergometer with visual disturbances.

It is good if a certain mix of strength and endurance training is achieved. Strength training is well suited for MS patients to increase physical fitness. However, especially when disabilities are present, training should be conducted under competent guidance – normal fitness studios often do not offer such guidance.

Another essential aspect of sport is that it usually involves social contacts that are beneficial. For this reason too, sport – particularly in a group – is of high value for MS patients. That’s why I always mention sport and exercise when I’m asked about additional concepts for treating MS. It is undoubtedly one of the most effective symptomatic concepts that we as MS therapists can offer.

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