Video-Screenprint März 2022 Antworten auf Fragen aus den Kommentaren von MS-Docblog

MS-DocBlog – Video No. 2: Boost or Wait for Omicron Vaccination?

MS-DocBlog – Prof. Dr. Mathias Mäurer answers questions about Multiple Sclerosis. Corona, boosters and Omicron are still current topics, and so there were again some comments with questions on the subject. – Here are Prof. Mathias Mäurer’s answers:

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This video answers three questions about Corona, the vaccine, and MS:

  1. Can a Corona vaccination trigger the immune system to “overreact”? – Here, a reader had problems with her MS after a Corona infection and is therefore now afraid to get vaccinated against Corona.
  2. Should we boost now or wait for the Omicron vaccine? – Put differently: Can you save yourself a vaccination?
  3. Attention, hypothesis: Is Multiple Sclerosis in relation to Epstein-Barr virus perhaps what Long Covid is in relation to the Corona virus? – This would mean that MS is a viral disease and not an autoimmune disease and that MS would be the chronic after-effects of the Epstein-Barr virus.

Prof. Mathias Mäurer answers all three questions in the video.

By the way: If you have an interesting question about one of our blog posts, feel free to post it in the comments. We address the questions that are of interest to a broad group in the MS-Docblog video.

You can also get answers to your questions about MS during the events always on AMSEL Tuesday and from the AMSEL advisory team.

Please note our information on comments.

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