Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025

The year is drawing to a close – time to say thank you to my readers who regularly follow this blog and enrich it with their suggestions and comments. And time to look at the current year 2024 with its developments in MS therapy and to venture a look into the year 2025.

Looking back at 2024, I am pleased that we have managed to offer an English version of MS-Docblog. Germany has a very good health system and health education is offered to patients from many places. In particular, the pages of AMSEL, the DMSG and their state associations as well as the disease-related competence network MS (KKNMS) give MS patients orientation and answer important questions.

This is not the case everywhere – there are countries where reliable health information is not as easy to obtain as in Germany. Therefore, we hope that by translating the MS-Docblog texts into English, we can reach more people with MS and thus also provide meaningful orientation, beyond the borders of Germany. Therefore, I am very pleased about the implementation of this project together with AMSEL. In addition, we have recorded more videopodcasts this year – also for Docblog – which have been well received and loosen up and supplement the Docblog format.

MS Therapy 2024

As far as MS therapy is concerned, I believe that we are now very efficient in terms of inflammation inhibition – we probably can’t get much better. However, this makes it all the more clear that we need new concepts to prevent progression. In this context, cell therapies could become increasingly important. At least at scientific congresses, cell-based therapies (CAR-T cells) are on everyone’s lips and offer interesting perspectives. Maybe these are exactly the perspectives we will need in the future. I could imagine that important impulses come from this area – maybe similar to monoclonal antibodies in the late 80s. We will see – in any case, it will remain exciting next year and I will continue to accompany the developments on Docblog.

And with that, I wish you from the bottom of my heart a merry and blessed Christmas – have a good and healthy start into the new year 2025.

Best regards

Your Mathias Mäurer

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