Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Now 2018 is almost over and Christmas and the turn of the year are just around the corner. MS-DocBlog will be going into its fifth year in 2019 and I am pretty sure that there will not be a shortage of new interesting topics.

In particular, I enjoy responding to your requests and suggestions, so feel free to use the comment function and write down your thoughts. Even if I can’t manage to respond to the comments directly, I still read them with interest and they often inspire new posts.
Also, do not spare criticism (as long as it is not defamatory and unqualified), because criticism helps me to understand and assess certain facts better.

So, I am looking forward to commenting on exciting scientific developments again in 2019, answering everyday questions and giving you tips and suggestions on the topic of MS and MS therapy.

With this, I would like to wish you and your families a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Have a good start to the year 2019 and stay loyal to DocBlog.

Your Mathias Mäurer

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