DocBlog enters its 3rd year

I am surprised myself – but DocBlog will be entering its 3rd year in January 2017. DocBlog was meant to address and comment on the everyday questions and problems that are brought to a doctor in an MS specialty clinic. Of course, my personal view of things is heavily reflected here – which wasn’t always unchallenged – nonetheless, DocBlog should present as balanced a view as possible of current MS topics.

Initially we were not completely sure if the project would work – after all, there are numerous weblogs dealing with the topic of MS – but considering the rising number of website visitors, there seems to be an interest in such a format.

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my readers. I am particularly grateful for all (critical) comments, as they are an important impetus for new topics and a measure of how medical concepts are perceived by patients. Over the past two years, I have learned a lot from them, which helps me in advising my patients.

Unfortunately, I cannot respond to the comments – which has often been criticised – but it would simply be impossible for me to manage time-wise – and ultimately, the intention was not to run a chat, but to portray the daily work of a doctor and to address topics of general interest. Therefore, we will continue to proceed in this way. However, this does not mean that we ignore your remarks, but that we certainly take note of them and try to align our selection of topics accordingly.

I would be pleased if my texts have helped one or the other to better understand certain facts or to provide answers to important questions in connection with MS. This motivates me to take a stance on current issues or report on important news again next year (more or less) regularly.

So now all that remains for me is to wish all my readers a merry and blessed Christmas – enjoy the festive days and have a good start into the new year. For 2017, I wish you good luck and above all health and joy of life.

With best regards
Your Mathias Mäurer

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